Our client, owner of a leading event portfolio, wished to capitalise on its brand to accelerate growth with an existing event in Asia. Following Plural Strategy’s recommendations, the business successfully launched a new event in a new location in Asia in 2022.
Our client owns the leading brands in its industry in Europe and North America, and wished to understand how it could leverage the strength of its global brand to drive growth in Asia, whether through acquisition, partnership or launch.

Regional growth strategy
The assignment covered the following steps:
- mapping the Asian market and competitive landscape in China, South East Asia and East Asia
- primary research of market participants and visits to the key regional shows
- building out potential organic and inorganic growth opportunities by region, and the relative attractiveness of each

While China and East Asia offered potential market entry points via acquisition or partnership, Plural’s analysis pointed to an opportunity to hold a hub-event in Singapore, targeting buyers across Asia, with a particular focus on South East Asia.
Our client held its first Singapore edition in 2022 and has been highly successful, posting 87% growth in exhibit space in its second edition.